Upcoming Events at Rhizome House

Save the date - Abolition Geography Reading Group on March 9th:

Next discussion circle readings from Abolition Geography by Ruth Wilson Gilmore. Sunday March 9th at 2pm. More info here: https://rhizomehouse.org/readings/

Tboy picnic is coming to Rhizome House! Open to transmasculine people and allies, this is a social space to have snacks and meet new people. The event takes place on Sunday, February 16th from 3:30-5pm. Follow @clevelandtboypicnic on Instagram to stay in the loop.

Starlight Elsewhere, monthly poetry reading and open mic featuring Michelle Smith on Thursday, February 20th at 7pm. Masks required. 

Join us at RZH for a Stitch n' Bitch on Wednesday, February 26th from 6:30pm - 8pm! All fiber arts welcome! Bring your work in progress and join us for an evening of comradery, skill sharing, and stitching! Don't know much about fiber arts but want to learn? There will be a limited supply of knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn, and a knowledgeable instructor for those that would like to learn. Feel free to bring your own supplies if you have them!

Help keep our events free. Become a monthly supporter: https://opencollective.com/therhizomehousesolidarityfund

More events happening this weekend!
Follow our calendar here for updates.