September Events, CAMBALACHE, Zine Fair & More
September Calendar!

Another good month of happenings at RZH. We hope to see y'all here!
Text version of our calendar is available here.
September 5th, 7pm

Come imagine a better world, rooted in mutual aid & reciprocity. CAMBALACHE!
Bring your goods/gifts/service as a means of connection and exchange and fun with your community members.
The purpose of a cambalache is not an equal exchange but rather a recognition that everything has value...the possibilities are endless you can bring: food, recipes, a talent, seeds, tools, books, advice, hugs, massage, tarot, etc. More information at
*This is a covid-conscious event*- we will have vegan/gluten-free food & childcare
Off-site event: Imprint Zine and Arts Fair
Sunday, September 10th, 12-6pm
NO OPEN HOURS - come visit us instead!

Join The Rhizome House and many others at the Imprint Zine and Arts Fair on Sunday outside at 9716 Madison Avenue from 12-6pm!
Open hours are cancelled this week - come visit us instead :)
Now Booking Fall Events!

More info on our space and how to book an event here.
Reminder: Solidarity and Support for Peter
RZH member Peter is currently navigating the horrors of financial burdens placed upon a cancer diagnosis.
If able, please help support Peter's medical care directly over on GoFundMe, at the link below 🖤