No Trans Testimony Tonight, September Calendar, Family Abolition!

NO Trans Testimony Workshop Tonight! Postponed to September 24th.

The Trans Testimony Workshop tonight has been postponed. Keep an eye on our instagram and website site for more info as the event gets closer.

September Calendar is here. Join us for our 2 year anniversary bash on September 28th!

We've got a lot of great events coming up in September. We hope to see you for our 2 year anniversary party during Heights Music Hop on Saturday, September 28th!

As always, check the text version of our calendar on our website and instagram @therhizomehouse for the latest updates and late event additions.

Upcoming events!

Family Abolition - Save the Date October 13th!

After we finished reading Michael Heinrich's Introduction to Capital (and developed a study guide Beyond Money, Commodities and the State!) we are going to read Family Abolition by M.E. O'Brien. We'll meet on Sunday, October 13th at 2pm to discuss part 1 of the book.

We may think of 3 broad areas that reproduce capitalism: wage workers and capitalist firms, the capitalist state, and households/families that do unwaged social reproduction. Heinrich's book on Capital dealt mostly with the first area and some of the second, but did not deal with the family. That's where Family Abolition comes in:

For some of us, the family is a source of love and support. But for many others, the family is a place of private horror, coercion and personal domination. In capitalist society, the private family carries the impossible demands of interpersonal care and social reproductive labor. Can we imagine a different future?

In Family Abolition, author M.E. O'Brien uncovers the history of struggles to create radical alternatives to the private family. O'Brien traces the changing family politics of racial capitalism in the industrial cities of Europe and in the slave plantations and settler frontier of North America, explaining the rise and fall of the housewife-based family form. From early Marxists to Black and queer insurrectionists to today's mass protest movements, O'Brien finds revolutionaries seeking better ways of loving, caring, and living. Family Abolition takes us through the past and present of family politics into a speculative future of the commune, imagining how care could be organized in a free society.

Exchange money for the book from Pluto Press here.

If you don't have money, you can find the PDF here.