New book distro! T-shirt workshop! BOEING 5 FUNDRAISER POSTPONED

Stop in Sunday, August 18th from 1-4pm for the launch of our new book distro, free “coffee shop” and free radical library!
Rhizome has selected books to exchange for your money to help keep the social center open. We have 16 different titles on offer. Venmo or so-called US dollars (cash) accepted. Check out the book titles below.
We are also setting up our space like a coffee shop - Cafe Rhizome! Except tea and coffee will be free. Free wi-fi is also available. Come set up shop with your laptop, grab a book, or just hang out!
Our radical free library has also been completely reorganized and 200+ books are available for free – you can now view the library on our website. We also have a copy of each distro title available in our free library.
Distro books and why we chose them are here:
Radical free library books we have available here:

Bring a T-Shirt and join the fun! Is there a T-shirt you love but no longer wear? Let’s transform it into something else entirely. This is a hands-on time to create a pillow or stuffed animal. Create a design of your choosing, decide how you want to alter your T-shirt, with additional T-shirts available too, get creative! Entry level sewing skills will be taught, a sewing machine and basic tools will be provided, along with step-by-step instructions. Encouragement, coaching and expertise will be available as needed.
Suggested $20 donation for workshop/materials but all welcome regardless. Venmo @Mischelle-Kwa-1
Due to the slow apocalypse, we're postponing this event until Saturday 8/31, still from 7-9pm. We hope to see y'all there, back and more energized than ever.