Join us for a daylong Festival of Resistance this Saturday!
As part of a national call for Festivals of Resistance this Saturday 1/18, join The Rhizome House, Autonomous Action Cleveland, and the International Workers of the World for a variety of ways to get plugged in:

1. Basics of Direct Action Training: 11am-2pm (lunch provided, masks required). Join Ohio-based organizers for a Saturday morning workshop on the history, strategy and how-to behind successful Direct Action campaigns. Through discussion, skill share and role play, we’ll talk about what DA is and isn’t, consider some contemporary challenges to our movement, build necessary skills and dream a little about what a better revolution might look like. Feeling despair about impending collapse? Or anxiety about escalation? Come through to build community, skill up and get plugged in. We’ve got a long fight ahead of us, and we want to help you find your place in it.
Childcare available on request. Kids are welcome to attend, though please note that the tone will match the crises at hand.

2. Autonomous Action Cleveland: 3pm at PEACE Park then 5pm at The Rhizome House. Faced with a second Trump era, and in the midst of a system already indifferent to our needs, we owe it to each other to grow the connections necessary for effective action. Come demonstrate your commitment to cultivating the community we require to care for each other. Autonomous Action Cleveland, a new group fostering connections for mutual aid and direct action (give them a follow on IG here) will be hosting a brief occupation of Coventry PEACE Park at 3 PM, to be followed by a gathering at Rhizome House at 5pm.

3. The local branch of the Industrial Workers of the World union is hosting a documentary screening of "An Injury to One" (2002) at 7pm. If you are interested in organizing your workplace or making your union more democratic, stick around and talk to us after the movie! Union membership not required- friends, family & coworkers welcome! (No cops, no bosses, no landlords). Snacks provided, and folks are encouraged to bring something to share :)

Save the Date:
In-And-Against the State on February 9th!
Every time we spend money we place trust in the capitalist state. How does this process actually work?
Come learn about sexy topics such as commodity fetishism, reification, money-credit and the capitalist state.
4 shorter readings - we recommend in doses once a week - Check em out!
More info and articles here!
Reminder - Gossip Night on Friday!