Outreach Team Kickoff Tuesday & Events This Weekend!

Join us for our monthly community potluck: Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30pm

This month we'll be kicking off our Rhizome House outreach team!
What does that mean?
-We'll give you some postcards and calendars to leave at your favorite spots.
-We'll also connect with each other around how to grow the space: Some ideas include tabling skate parks, high schools, and around Cedar Lee. If you have other ideas let us know!

Special Event: this Saturday at 7pm!

To close out the Cleveland Poetry Festival, we will showcase more amazing original poetry performed by writers Jon Conley (House Hunters International :: Sonnets, forthcoming), Raja Belle Freeman (“Never Have I Ever”), Siaara Freeman (Urbanshee), Joe Hall (Someone’s Utopia), and Brendan Joyce (co-founder of grieveland and author of Love & Solidarity), hosted by Kevin Latimer (co-founder of grieveland and author of ZOETROPE). Attendees can sign up at the event to share their work on the open mic, following the featured performances.

More info here:

Other events at the RZH:

-Free Store / Open Hours: Every Sunday 1-4pm!

-Anarchist Reading group: This Monday, 4/24 at 6:30pm we will start reading the intro and 1st chapter of The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow.
Even if you can't finish the reading, it's a great time to join the group kicking off this book!

Solidarity Event:

Liberation Lab - This Saturday at Pivot Center, 2937 West 25th Street.
More info here: